Sundarban Courier Service Charge, Cost and Price List 2023

Sundarban Courier Service is the top level Courier Service in our country. The Courier is specially famous for the fastest delivery service all over the country. In case of people like to send their documents, products through this courier. However, it is your duty to know the service charge, cod and price list.

Sundarban Courier Service Charge

There are some categories and the service charge is depend on it. Lets introduce you the service charge.

  • The booking charge for covered van route you have to charged 10 Taka Per KG.
  • On the other hand Covered van route transit per KG 14 Taka only.

Carton Box Packaging Cost

If you want to send any product on Carton, you need to know the cost. Generally, we send Mango and several fruits through Carton Box. The delivery charge has mentioned here.


  • Big Carton Cost 80 Taka Only
  • Small Carton Cost 30 Taka Only

Note : The Parcel Per KG Cost is 10 Taka Only.

Document Cost


There are many people who like to send their important documents like Paper, Appointment Letter, Letter etc. In this case they have to cost the document fee.

Per Document Cost inside Bangladesh only 30 Taka.

Sundarban Courier Service Poly Bag Cost

Sending parcel through Poly Bag is an easy way. Specially, people send E-commerce parcel through Poly Bag. There are 3 types of bag in this courier. Yellow, Blue and White. The cost rate and weight has depended on the color. All the details has included below there.

Yellow Poly Bag Cost


  • Per Poly Bag Cost 100 Taka Only ( Anywhere in Bangladesh )
  • The limit weight of this bag is 1.5KG
  • If it carries e-commerce products, you have to cost office received 130 Taka and Home Delivery 150 Taka.

White Poly Bag Cost


  • Per Poly Bag Cost 130 Taka Only
  • You can send 1.5 to 2.00 KG Parcel in this bag.

Blue Poly Bag Cost


  • Per Poly Bag 200 Taka Only.
  • You can send 2.5 KG to 3.5 KG Parcel through this bag.

In conclusion of the article,we highly recommend you to send the parcel through this courier service. Because you will get the best service.