
The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General has established their official website.  Advertisement cards and results of the job advertisement examination are published through this website of Teletalk. 

If you are looking for a government job then this website is very important for you because you can get all the information from here.  Let’s take a look at the details of this website and what works in which category.

ocag.teletalk.com.bd Job Circular Online Application

Every year, the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General publishes a large number of vacancies.  In particular, manpower is recruited every year for the post of Auditor Junior Auditor. 

Authorities usually publish job advertisements through their official website and are given a specific time frame within which their application has to be completed. 

On 28th December, 2021, new recruitment notice for 540 posts was published on the official website.  Those of you who wish to apply for the post must enter Teletalk’s website at the Office of the Comptroller General and provide detailed information.


As soon as the test notice is issued, the user ID and password are sent to each applicant’s mobile number just to download their admit card. 

You can easily download the admit card by entering the website.  The first step is to enter the website.  Click on Admit Card Option. 

Enter your user ID and password in the space provided.  As soon as you submit, you will see your admit card, download it.  Remember you will not be allowed to participate in the exam without an admit card.

ocag teletalk bd Result

After publishing the job advertisement, it is usually applied online.  You can apply if you have the appropriate qualifications.  The online application will start from this date and will end in this time. You have to complete the application online through internet. Let’s not know how to apply online through the office of the Accountant General.

As soon as you enter the website, you have to click on the application form.  Provide detailed information including your name, father’s name, mother’s name, current address and national identity card number in the space provided. 

Present your educational qualification information at each step.  Upload every passport size photo taken and complete your application.

Within a month of the expiration of the deadline, the authorities called a discussion meeting to announce the date of the examination. 

The examination notice is given on the website of the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General seven days before the examination. You can download the examination date from there.

Finally we would like to inform you that we have presented the complete information of the official website of Teletalk rules here so you must have detailed information about the website.  Stay tuned to our website for more information on education.