The written test for the post of Assistant Inspector of Anti-Corruption Commission is going to be held at 10 am today. Millions of applicants from all over the country will participate in the examination in different educational institutions of Dhaka.
The BUET authorities of Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology have prepared questions for the written test of Devi Daman Commission this year.
Every examinee finds the solution to their question after completing the test. In order to help them, we have provided the solution of each question here so you must collect it from here.
Anti-Corruption Commission ACC Assistant Inspector Question Solution
The solution of the written test question for the post of Assistant Inspector of the Anti-Corruption Commission, we have made the experienced teacher the head here.
The authorities take the examination every year in the idol stage. First the examination is taken through the individual.
However, the examination for the post of Inspector is expected to be held tonight on January 22, 2000 under the MCQ system.
This question will be asked from Bangla English Mathematics and General Knowledge based on total 80 marks. We will try to solve it as soon as we get the question paper and publish it through our website very soon.
ACC MCQ Solution 2023
Multiple Choice Cochrane mcq test will be taken from 10am to 11pm. Exams will be taken on the basis of 80 marks and Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology has prepared question papers for the exams.
As soon as the test is over, we collect the question paper from one of the examinees and hire experienced teachers to solve it.
They try to work out the solution smoothly and completely. You will have to wait a while to get the complete solution of the question.
Regular visit to our website to get all government and private job exam questions solved. People just make mistakes. If there is any mistake in solving our question, you will see it in the eyes of forgiveness.