www xiclassadmission.gov.bd 2023 Result with 1st Merit List

Class XI admission application for 2023 academic year has been completed and according to the information provided by the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, the Class XI admission result will be published today on December 31. Class XI admission result will be published on the official website at eight o’clock tonight and all the students who applied for their desired admission will get the result online.

As an applicant after the release of the result you have to check the result through online one of the most important tasks. In this situation, if you know this rule, then the result can be found first. In order to complete the admission process of Class XI, they have launched a special server where every student from application to result of other important notices are shared.

As the admission result will be released today, you have to use the website through online to find out the class 11 admission result. xiclassadmission.gov.bd is a website through which it is now possible to see the results very easily. But there are many people who have no knowledge about this matter and to give them correct information they have given proper instructions on how to see the results based on this website.

xiclassadmission.gov.bd Online Result 2023

xiclassadmission.gov.bd result can be seen through online also through sms on mobile but we generally want to see result through online. Since the result will be published through the official website at 8 pm, you should know the correct rules on how to get the result based on this website. So let’s know the detailed information about how to get the result in the light of xiclassadmission.gov.bd website.

xi admission result

  • First, open a browser from your mobile or computer and enter the xiclassadmission.gov.bdxiclassadmission.gov.bd website in the address bar.
  • The official homepage will be displayed in front of you, but from there you must click on the first merit list option.
  • In the next option you will see several interfaces, there will be an option to give your SSC roll number board name and exam.
  • Insert the name of the board under which you have appeared in the examination.
  • Put Examiner 2022 as you appeared in 2022 exam.
  • Input the Roll number as per your SSC admit card.
  • The next step requires you to answer a security question. Be sure to answer the security questions correctly.
  • Finally you can check your merit list from here by clicking submit option.

www xiclassadmission.gov.bd 2023 1st Merit List

The result will be seen officially at eight o’clock in the night and as an applicant you can see the result online. An applicant has given a maximum of 6 college choice list due to which you will be shown the merit list as soon as you get a chance in any one of these 6 colleges. For this purpose you can view the merit list from your profile using your correct user id and pin number.

Moreover, PDF file will be shared according to the merit list in each educational institution from there it is possible to check your merit list. By giving correct information xiclassadmission.gov.bd your result tip will be shown and the college you got chance can be shown in detail from here.