SSC Exam 2021 Date- The question of when the secondary school certificate examination will start is among all SSC candidates. The students of the 2020 academic year are spending their days in uncertainty. Meanwhile, our Education Minister announced that the SSC examination will not be held in February. On December 29, 2020, the Minister of Education announced that the educational institution may be opened in February, but the SSC examination may be a little late. The SSC examination will be held in June next year as the educational institution has been closed for a long time due to the situation. You will find all the information related to SSC exam in this article so you must read our article.
SSC Exam Date 2021
SSC Exam Kobe Hobe
When will SSC Exam 2021 held in Bangla SSC Exam Kobe Hobe? The answer is given by our educational ministry Dipu Moni. She cleared all the doubts on December 29, 2020 via an Online press briefing. Meanwhile, the final date has not fixed yet.
SSC Routine 2021 Publish Date
All educational institutions are closed due to the virus. Even the biggest exam of the country, HSC, is not being held and the students are passing the next class through auto pass. Secondary School Certificate Exam is organized by Education Ministry Of Bangladesh. As usual the exam has taken on 1 February and it has finished on March Month. The Routine has published one month earlier before the exam day.
However, SSC Routine 2021 will be revealed on June first week. Now we have to wait for the final announcement. When the authority reveal the exam date, we will share the routine here.
SSC Routine 2021 Statics
The routine will available from June, 2021. However, we can analysis the routine before publishing the routine. Because we have followed the previous some years routine. Previous 10 years exam routine showed that every year the first exam has taken Bangla 1st Paper. So, undoubtedly the first exam of 2021 will Bangla 1st Paper. Slowly slowly the exam will be taken. But it is a matter of sorrow that students will not get too much holiday during the exam. Only 1 day holiday is available. However, students will get 3 days holidays before math exam.
- 1st Exam : Bangla 1st Paper
- Last Exam : See the routine
- Practical Exam Starts From : July, 2021
Frequently Asked Questions FAQS
As a students you are searching some questions answers on Internet. In addition we have tried our best to answered your questions.
When SSC Routine 2021 publish ?
Answer: Secondary School Certificate SSC Exam routine will publish on June, 2021.
When will SSC Routine 2021 publish?
Answer: SSC Routine 2021 will publish on May 1st week.
Is the syllabus will short?
Answer: Yes, Dipu Moni mentioned it that the SSC Syllabus will short.
When the short syllabus will pub publish?
Answer: If the Corona Situation is under control, the educational institutes will open. Then, the short syllabus will publish.
The Secondary School Certificate exam depends on Corona Situation. However, we recommend you that do not waste your time. Read properly because the routine can be published anytime.