NSI is the premier international and independent intelligence agency of the Government of Bangladesh. The headquarters of NSI is located at Segunbagicha in the capital Dhaka. NSI operates country security operations in 37 branch offices in 19 countries around the world. Besides, there is one unit in each district of the country under the leadership of joint management. Through which the intelligence activities of the country are conducted. To apply for the posts published in the NSI recruitment circular, qualification is sought from 8th standard to graduation according to the rank. And a large number of applications were collected in these applications from all over Bangladesh.
For joining as Gazetted Officer First Class Candidate must possess Graduation Degree. A large number of recruitment candidates from all over Bangladesh are recruited by NSI. NSI exam candidate is considered qualified on the basis of exam qualification. So to get good success in NSI recruitment exam, preparation must be done. And to prepare for the exam, one must have an idea about the previous year’s NSI recruitment exam question bank.
NSI Question Bank PDF
Candidates must go through three steps to clear the NSI recruitment exam. A candidate will be considered for the NSI recruitment test by combining these three tests, preliminary written and viba. The preliminary exam is held in one hundred marks, the written exam is also held in one hundred marks, the written exam is held three to four days after the preliminary exam. NSI exam manpower varies from time to time.
So if you are interested in nsi job you must prepare well. But one thing is not only good preparation for this NSI job, many people did not get a chance in NSI even after preparing well long ago, the main reason is that they did not follow the right guidelines and suggestions. Because a recruitment exam aspirant not only needs to take good preparation he also needs to follow proper guidelines and good suggestions and for that the best method is to master the previous year recruitment exam nis question bank very well.
If you master it you will be able to answer the questions in human distribution question types and very quickly in the recruitment exam. So for your convenience we have published some previous year NSI recruitment exam question bank on our website.
NSI Question Bank PDF Download
The organizational activities of intelligence agencies are vast. NSI conducts its activities through eight wings. The eight functions are: External Wing, Border Wing, Internal Wing, Security Wing, Administration Wing, Training Wing, Urban Interior Wing, Counter Terrorism Wing. As the organization is independent no organization can obstruct this organization.
NSI is the main and largest intelligence agency of Bangladesh. This national security agency was created on December 29, 1972 under the direct supervision of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The organization is under the credit of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This organization selects the qualified candidates and provides the recruitment through the recruitment, if you are participating in the recruitment exam then first of all you need to know about previous year NSI recruitment exam question bank.
NSI Question Bank Written & MCQ
Because if you know about previous year questions you will get 15 to 20 percent questions common in recruitment exam. Moreover, a recruitment aspirant will get a lot of idea about the questions by looking at the previous year question bank where it will be very easy to answer the question going for his recruitment exam. So for your convenience, we have provided NSI question banks of past few years on our website, if you want, come to our website and download previous year question banks and prepare for the recruitment exam.
Today we have provided some information about the NSI exam question bank of the country’s largest intelligence agency. Those of you who are willing to participate in the NSI recruitment exam must visit our website and check out the question banks and prepare for the exam.