HSC Bangla 2nd Paper Guide PDF 2025 Download – একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড

Bangla 2nd paper is a very difficult subject for every student. Because usually the students cannot understand easily after reading the 2nd subject of Bangla. Because Bangla 2nd subject is completely different.

But every student can take this Bangla II subject easily if they have good teachers. Because teachers try to convince students very simply. But if you want to understand all the syllabus of Bangla II subject without teacher, then you should immediately download Class XI Bangla II Paper Guide PDF.

The download link of which is in our article. In this article we have given the link of Bangla 2nd guide book, you can download it very easily according to this link. And I think you will be able to get a proper idea about every unknown topic of Bangla 2nd book.

So without further ado, know the details about all the chapters of the 11th 12th class Bangla 2nd paper book. Bangla is contained in the grammar chapters of the 2nd book.


১. প্রথম অধ্যায় থেকে যা থাকছে (পরিভাষা ও পারিভাষিক শব্দ অনুচ্ছেদ বাংলা অনুবাদ)

২. দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (দিনলিপি বর্ণনা)
৩. তৃতীয় অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (অভিজ্ঞতা বর্ণনা)

৪.চতুর্থ অধ্যায় থেকে রয়েছে (ভাষণ ও প্রতিবেদন)

৫.পঞ্চম অধ্যায় টি তে রয়েছে (খুদেবার্তা ,এস এম এস)

৬. ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (ই মেইল)
৭. সপ্তম অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (পত্র লিখন)
৮. অষ্টম অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (সারাংশ/ সারমর্ম)
৯. নবম অধ্যায় টিতে রয়েছে (ভাব সম্প্রসারণ)
১০. দশম অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (সংলাপ কথোপকথন)
১১. একাদশ অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (ক্ষুদে গল্প)
১২. দ্বাদশ অধ্যায়টিতে রয়েছে (রচনা প্রবন্ধ)

You may have noticed the grammar chapters of class 11th and 12th Bangla 2nd paper by now in the morning. Apart from these grammar chapters there are several construction chapters. About which many students do not know properly till now. So keep reading carefully to get a proper understanding of the construction chapters.

HSC Bangla 2nd Paper Guide PDF


1. What remains from the first chapter (Bangla translation of terminology and terminological passages)

2. The 2nd chapter contains (narrative of the diary)
3. The third chapter contains (Experience Description)

4.Continues from Chapter IV (Speeches and Reports)

5. Chapter V contains (short message, SMS)

6. Chapter VI contains (e-mail)
7. Chapter VII contains (Letter Writing)
8. Chapter VIII contains (Summary/Summary)
9. The ninth chapter contains (Expansion of Bhava)
10. Chapter Ten contains (Dialogue Conversations)
11. The eleventh chapter contains (short stories)
12. The twelfth chapter contains (Compositional Essays)

At present, the most important subject of Class 11th and 12th Bangla 2nd subject is these created chapters. Because the examinees have to answer various questions from these created chapters. Due to which it can be considered that these created chapters should be well known by every candidate.

You can understand each of these chapters properly only by reading this PDF guide. We have published in this guide by adopting simple methods so that every student can understand these chapters in detail.

So to get a proper understanding of Bangla II you must read this car full chapters carefully. But you can understand all these chapters well.

So immediately click on the PDF link of the specific guide book from this article of ours. And download Bangla II pdf guide book which is usually only for every student of class 11th 12th.

So every student may have by now managed to download the pdf of the 11th 12th Class Bangla Second Paper Guide Book published in our article.

But those students who could not download this pdf guide book. They just click on the link published in our article. And just by clicking you will find the download option that by clicking on that option you will get the pdf bangla 2nd guide.