Honours 4th Year Result 2021- The Honors fourth year exams were completed in February. The students who took part in the test are eagerly awaiting the results. Their wait is coming to an end as the results of the honors fourth year exams are going to be released in June. We have arranged today’s article with all the information related to the results.
Honours 4th Year Exam 2019
- Exam Name : Honours 4th Year
- Course Name : BA, BSS, BBS and BSc
- Exam Taker : National University of Bangladesh
- Exam Year : 2019
- Start Date (New) : 17 January, 2021
- Start Time : 9.30 AM
- Total Time : 4 Hours
Honours 4th Year Result 2021 Date
The exam 2nd schedule started on 17 January, 2021 and it has ended on 6 February, 2021. Students have been waiting 1 Year for their final year exam. National University of Bangladesh has taken the exam with the specific routine.
Now it is time to know when Honors 4th Year Result will publish? National University has decided that the result will publish very quickly. Because the students have already lost a lots of time. So, the authority does not want to waste more times. As usual NU Result has published after 3 Months from the result finished date. However, this year the result will reveal on March, 2021.
How to Get Honours Final Year Result?
Check NU Honours 4th Year Result nu.ac.bd
- At first go to www.nu.ac.bd/results/
- Select Honours exam from the list.
- Choose Forth Year.
- Put your Exam Roll on the specific place.
- Put Your Registration Number also.
- Write Exam Year as 2019
- Enter the right Captcha code.
- Finally you will view your result.
Check Honours Forth Year Result by SMS
Checking result by SMS is an alternative way. When the result will reveal, students all over the country will try to check the result at a time. As a result the official website server down. Result checkers become nervous and want to check the result quickly. In this situation you should try the SMS Method. Lets show you how to check the result by SMS.
Note : You can send the SMS from any mobile Operator. However, you must take 3.00 Taka on your Mobile Balance.
Firstly, go to your mobile message option and type now
NU <Space> H4 <Space> Roll Number and send it 16222.
Example : NU H4 2324242542 send to 16222
In reply, you will view your result with full details.
National University Of Bangladesh
NU plays a vital role in our higher education. The university has opened the highest facility in our country. Generally, Honours Education programed has been completed in 4 Years. Honours 4th Years is the final stage of Honours education. So, the importance of the value of 4th year result can not be said in words. Every year thousands of students are taken admission in National University of Bangladesh.
Last Words
We hope that you have learned how you will find your result. Above all discussion we tried our best to reach the proper information with you. If you have any problem, you must contact with us. Thank you.