Finally, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute BARI authority has announced the new exam date for several post. The job circular has been issued on 25 January, 2022. After that applicants have submitted their application before the deadline.
A long time back, the authority is preparing to take the exam. In addition, the exam notice has been issued yesterday. If you have submitted the application, you will get a mobile message where an USER ID and PASSWORD has been sent to download the admit card.
Today, we are going to share the admit card download method and related all information into this article. Please keep your eyes here and collect your admit card.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Admit Card
A large number of application has been submitted for this year job. But the authority has selected a few candidates for the written exam. The written exam will be held on March, 2022.
As an applicant, you have got a mobile message where the USER ID and PASSWORD has been included. By using this you are able to download the admit card. In this article, we have shared the instructions which will help you to download the admit card.
The admit card download notice has been added before the exam day. The official website of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute will share it on the notice board. Admit Card Download Procedure
Are you looking for the admit card? Then it is the best place where you will get the admit card. However, it is clear that without admit card you are not participate for the exam. Lets introduce you with it.
- At the beginning, you should go to- website.
- Click on to Admit Card.
- Put your USER ID and PASSWORD.
- Submit it.
- Download and Print out the admit card.
Notice :
Some important notice has been mentioned by the authority. As a candidate, you should follow all the instructions.
- Candidates must be entered 30 Minutes earlier before the exam.
- Any electronics device will not be allowed on the exam hall.
- The authority has proper rights to change the exam date anytime.
- All the candidates must follow all the rules if you are not follow the conditions, you will be dismissed.
We have shared the accurate information. We hope that you have collected your admit card before the exam. It is the part and parcel for the candidates. However, if you have any problem, you should inform us. Thank you very much for staying with us for a long time.